MDUMC Library

The MDUMC Library is located on the Main Campus in Room A-104.

Wooden Cross in front of bookshelves
O mortal, what is good, and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?
— Micah 6:8 (NRSVUE)
  • Browse the MDUMC Library collection online here.

  • If you know the Dewey Decimal number, all books in the main library are shelved from 0 to 999 starting in the southeast corner of the room and ending in the northeast. Biography and Fiction are shelved immediately to the right of the 900’s.

    Exceptions are the books in the reference area (short shelves adjacent to the card catalog). These books are exceptional because they are for use in the library and are not to be checked out.

    If you are looking for a book you may search for it by author, subject, or title in the card catalog.

    Our newest additions are on a shelf by the entrance.

    The Dewey Decimal system chart sits atop the card catalog file. This can be very helpful if you have an idea about a topic but are unsure where you might find it.

    Shelves are numerically labeled in the Dewey system.

    A simple map is available and can be found on the Book check-out table.

  • 1. Locate the book card on the inside of the back cover of the book.

    2. Write your name, the date, and either email or phone number where we can reach you on the card and place it in the small (file) box on the “Book check-out” table in the front of the library.

    3. Please try to return the book in a timely (2 weeks) manner.

  • Also located in the library are “Resource Areas”. In these areas one can find the books and DVD’s that work well in group studies. These items are located in the office in front of the offices of Carrie Neal (Director of Women’s Ministry & Young Family Ministry) and Dany Attal (Director of Singles & Older Adults) and on the short shelves in the main library that run in front of their offices (west wall). These materials do not have book cards; leave us a note in the book card box or email Cindy Mood if you choose to borrow a set.

  • Amplify Media is a multimedia platform of resources that encourage deeper discipleship, i.e. study videos and more. This complementary resource is available to you anytime, anywhere.

    For instructions on accessing Amplify Media, click here.

  • Although not connected to MDUMC or any particular denomination, The Christian History Institute (CHI) is a valuable free resource. CHI “is a non-profit organization that provides Christian history resources and self-study material at low or no cost.” Their topical magazines are available to view online at your convenience.

  • United Women of Faith have a shelf of books in the MDUMC Library on the west wall adjacent to the resource area. For more information about UWF, click here.

  • Book Donations: The MDUMC library accepts book donations on a case-by-case basis. Monetary contributions are always accepted, as are suggestions for acquisition.

    Memorial & Tribute Book Donations: If you would like to honor a loved one's memory or celebrate an occasion in the life of a loved one via library book, please use this link or contact Cindy Mood, Director of Membership & Learning. Thank you.

    Monetary Donations: The library accepts monetary donations. Financial contributions are used to purchase new titles. The library is currently raising funds to upgrade the space, to create a more inviting feel and to be more usable as collaborative or individual workspace. Please make checks to MDUMC Library or use the church’s Venmo an notate library in the description. Thank you.

    Library Wishlist: For a list of book and items the library is looking to purchase, please visit our Amazon Wish List.

  • A simple map is available and can be found on the Book check-out table.

    The MDUMC Library is run by a team of volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact

    The library is open on Sunday mornings and Mon-Thurs 9AM - 5PM (hours match the church office schedule).

    To stay connected, subscribe to the library email listhere.


If you have any questions, or need more information, please contact

Cindy Mood, Director of Membership & Learning