
Disciples of Jesus give of their time, energy, and resources to the local church to enable the sharing of the gospel.


We believe that learning how to share resources is an important component of discipleship.

All the ministries that enable MDUMC to better serve God and neighbor, here and around the world, are made possible by dedicated giving.




Why should I give?

We contribute financially to the mission and ministry of the church because it is a direct response to what God has done in Jesus Christ for all of us. God calls us to be Christ for the world, and the primary way in which we do that is through the work of the church both locally and across the world. The generosity of members is required to achieve what we have been called to do.

Where do my gifts go?

Our financial resources enable us to positively impact the spiritual, emotional, and physical lives of children, youth, and adults. We count on your generosity to be able to worship and work together for the greater good of the Kingdom of God.  Our collective generosity enables us to share the grace of God, love our neighbors in tangible ways, and improve the world for the sake of Jesus Christ. Since we receive no government funding, we count on the membership of the church to be generous with their financial resources. Simply put, the dollars you contribute to Memorial Drive United Methodist Church make our world a better place!


How can I give?

All are welcome to give each week during the time for tithes and offerings in each service. We also offer online options, including automated giving for those who would prefer to use a credit card. Text Giving is available - just text the dollar amount to 713-597-3558, follow the link on your smartphone to set up your account, and save the number for easy future giving.

How do I give a memorial gift?

Make a gift to The Caring Forever Foundation to memorialize those you care about. Gifts may be made to the Foundation in memory of deceased persons, to honor living persons, or to commemorate anniversaries or other special events.

Can I Give Stock? 

For information about giving stock to MDUMC, please contact Keri Bruegger at .

Because You Give to the Caring Forever Foundation…

The Caring Forever Foundation gave more than $147,000 to the Houston community and Memorial Drive United Methodist Church in 2024. The Caring Forever Foundation’s assets are held in 15 different funds – a General Fund that allows the CFF Board to award grants at their discretion and 14 funds that award grants for specific ministries and programs at MDUMC. There are funds for student scholarships, clergy scholarships, missions, landscaping, media ministries, traditional music, and religious education. 


Ways to Give


Please consider supporting the life-giving work of The Foundation by becoming a Caring Forever Foundation Patron. This new group of supporters will help underwrite the annual operating costs of the Caring Forever Foundation, thus directly increasing the amount the Foundation gives to ministries and programs at MDUMC and in the Houston community. Join the Patrons and partner with us in this work. 


H. Eugene Cragg Legacy Circle

The H. Eugene Cragg Legacy Circle recognizes and says thank you in advance to those who have planned gifts to The Caring Forever Foundation through their estates. Estate gifts to The Foundation make the biggest impact on growing the endowment. And as the endowment grows, the Foundation can do more for MDUMC and the greater community.

Donors may choose to make the Foundation a beneficiary of assets from these sources: bequests from wills or trusts, retirement accounts, life insurance, donor advised fund, or private foundation.


Give toward a particular purpose, such as music, missions, landscaping, and more. Or, simply give an undesignated gift to the General Fund.

Harry Rankin Lectures Fund
Helping Hands Fund
Howard Swaim Media Fund
Memorial Garden Fund
Pat Bell Children’s Scholarship
Porter Fund for Religious Education
Steve Cragg Workcamp Fund

General Fund 
Baker Scholarship
Ben Bogart Youth Scholarship
Beverly Sloan (landscaping) Fund
Bobbie Swaim Music Fund
Bonita Ranzau Scholarship Fund
Charles B. Simmons Mission Scholarship
H. Eugene Cragg Ministerial Scholarship


This option gives you the ability to set up and name a fund as you wish. There is a minimum gift requirement.


Create a named scholarship to support students pursing higher education. You may set up the criteria for the scholarship (such as area of study). There is a minimum gift requirement.


Make a gift to The Caring Forever Foundation to memorialize those you care about. Gifts may be made to the Foundation in memory of deceased persons, to honor living persons, or to commemorate anniversaries or other special events.


Yes! For more information about giving stock, please email or call 713-579-2911.


The Foundation awarded $147,040 in grants in 2024. Foundation grants support ministries and programs of MDUMC and community organizations.  



Stacy Stepler

Executive Director

What is the Caring Forever Foundation?


The Foundation applies its contributions to its permanent endowment funds. Earnings from our endowment funds enable the Foundation to make grants and scholarships as well as cover administrative costs. The Foundation maintains separate bank accounts, investments, and financial records from the church. The Foundation is a 501(c)3 corporation and as a result gifts made to the Foundation are typically deductible for federal income tax purposes.


Memorial Garden

A quiet, comforting space to draw close to God,
to give thanks, and to remember.