Lent is a season of reflection, renewal, and preparation as we journey toward Easter. Over 40 days, we set aside time to grow closer to God—through worship, prayer, study, and acts of service. It’s a time to realign our hearts, deepen our faith, and embrace the hope of resurrection.

At MDUMC, we invite you to walk this path with us. Explore our Lenten worship series, midweek gatherings, and meaningful opportunities to engage in this sacred season. However you choose to participate, we pray this journey brings you closer to Christ and the abundant life He offers.


In worship, we’ll be kicking off a series on Vertical Habits.  Each week, we’ll explore a biblical practice for communicating with God that will help us (1) strengthen our relationship with God and (2) deepen our understanding of Christian worship. 

Sunday sermons will pair relational phrases like “I love you” with worship words like “Praise” to illustrate how Christian worship is full of practices that can help us form healthy habits in our communication with God, and thus in our relationship with God and in the way we live out our faith. 


Sundays at 9:30 & 11 AM

Vertical Habits

April 6 - Help

April 13 - Thank You

April 20 - Easter Sunday

March 9 - I Love You

March 16 - Why?

March 23 - What Can I Do?

March 30 - I’m Listening



This Lenten devotional guide includes scriptures, reflections from church members and pastors, plus some practical ideas for trying out the Vertical Habits in your own life.  You can find the digital version here or pick up a physical copy in worship.



This short podcast hosted by our pastors will offer a reading from the Psalms, brief reflections, and some mid-week encouragement to help you dive deeper into each week’s Vertical Habit. Get it here or wherever you listen to podcasts. Episodes will release on Wednesday mornings during Lent, beginning Wednesday, March 12.


 What’s on the calendar?

We hope you’ll join us for these upcoming opportunities to celebrate Lent, Holy Week, and Easter.


Upcoming Opportunities

Easter Eggstravaganza Egg Hunt and Community Event
Saturday, April 12 | 9-10:30 AM | Main Campus - West Lot
Don’t miss this community event that’s open to all! Egg hunt, games, bounce houses, face painting and more!

Stations of the Cross
April 13-19 | Both Campuses
All are welcome at this come-and-go guided journey through the events of Holy Week. Stations will be set up on our Main and West Campuses and are open to all throughout the day. Find the stations near the MDUMC Main Campus front lawn or on the West Campus at The Journey.

Holy Week Worship

Palm Sunday
April 13
Classic Worship | 9:30 & 11 AM
The Journey | 9:30 & 11 AM
Join us for Palm Sunday worship and our palm parade - either at home or online.

Holy Wednesday Worship
April 16 | 7 PM | The Journey Worship Center
A quiet service of prayer and song.

Maundy Thursday Worship
April 17 | 7 PM | Main Campus - Sanctuary
A service of communion remembering Christ’s last supper with the disciples. Available to stream online at mdumc.org/stream.

Good Friday Journey Worship
April 18 | 12 PM | The Journey Worship Center
A service of reflection focusing on Christ’s journey to the cross.

Children’s Good Friday Worship
April 18 | 5:30 PM | Main Campus - Sanctuary
This interactive story of Good Friday is told especially for kids.

Good Friday Classic Worship
April 18 | 7 PM | Main Campus - Sanctuary
A service of reflection focusing on Christ’s journey to the cross.

Easter Sunday
April 20
7 AM Sunrise Worship | Main Campus - Front Lawn
9:30 & 11 AM | Main Campus - Sanctuary
8, 9:30 & 11 AM | The Journey Worship Center
Join us for worship this Easter Sunday! Attend in person or stream online at mdumc.org/stream.


Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, March 5, 2025



The journey through Lent is a time of reflection and spiritual growth, and it's meaningful to share it with others. It's a season that invites individuals to reflect on their faith, renew their commitment, and prepare their hearts for the celebration of Easter. We're thankful you're here as we reflect and begin the season of Lent together. Over these next 40 days, we will journey together to the cross and then to Easter.



We hope you’ll come to mark the beginning of this season with us at any of our four services.

Classic Ash Wednesday Worship | 7 AM & 6:30 PM  |  Main Campus 

A quiet service of prayer, reflection, music, and the imposition of ashes as we begin the season of Lent.

Contemporary Ash Wednesday Worship | Noon & 8 PM  |  West Campus - The Journey

We invite you to participate in this service, which includes a blend of modern music, classic liturgy, and the sacred ritual of the imposition of ashes.

Ashes-To-Go | 7 AM - 7 PM  |  Main Campus - Front Circle Drive

Stop by to receive a to-go blessing & ashes from our clergy. 


 stations of the cross

Available In-Person or Online
Saturday, March 24 - Saturday, March 30, 2024

This self-guided experience is offered come-and-go throughout Holy Week. View unique art by Scott Erickson and read along as journey through the story of Holy Week at your own pace. You can find all the stations outlined below.

If you’d like to visit in person:

Main Campus: 12955 Memorial Drive
Park in the Main Campus East lot and find the stations outdoors along the covered walkway near the front lawn. No registration is required for this opportunity.

West Campus: 13186 Memorial Drive
Park in the West Campus Lot (shared with TJ Maxx) and find the stations in front of The Journey Worship Center.


I.  Jesus is Tempted

Read: Matthew 26:36-46
“My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” - Matthew 26:38


  • Jesus is compelled to desperate prayer.

  • Think of Jesus’ complete honesty in prayer.

  • Jesus calls together his friends in his most
    desperate time of prayer.

  • What drives you to such a desperate time of prayer?


II.  Jesus is Betrayed

Read: Matthew 26:14-16
“Friend, do what you came here to do.” - Matthew 26:50
“The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into the hands of men. They will kill him and after three days he will rise.” - Mark 9:31


  • The Son of God was betrayed by a friend.

  • The Son of God was betrayed by his creation.


III.  Jesus is Condemned

Read: Luke 22:66-71
“‘Shall I crucify your king?’ Pilate asked. ‘We have no king but Caesar,’ the chief priests answered.” - John 19:15
“You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.” - John 19:11
“But this is your hour - when darkness reigns.” - Luke 22:53


  • Jesus submits quietly and peacefully.

  • Jesus is condemned by religious leaders.

  • What was their fear?


IV.  Jesus is Mocked

Read: Matthew 27:28 and Matthew 20:18-19
“But if I spoke the truth, why did you strike me?” - John 18:23


  • What brings on our mockery?

  • These soldiers brutalize Jesus (possibly their common response to Jewish prisoners).

  • Imagine the Son of God being brutalized by men.


V.  Jesus is Given His Cross

“Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.” - John 3:14-15


  • The cross was a public murder device for criminals. This is how Jesus was killed.

  • Imagine carrying the wood of the cross… up the hill to your eventual slow and public death.


VI.  Jesus Falls

“Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” - John 12:24


  • This station, although not found in scripture, is traditionally in three stations. It symbolizes Jesus’ humanity and His ever-decreasing strength as He moves towards His public death.

  • Imagine Jesus experiencing weakness and distress
    in a public setting with nowhere to hide.

  • Imagine the exhaustion of the last 24 hours.


VII.  Simon Carries Jesus’ Cross

“Simon the Cyrene carries His cross.” - Luke 23:26
“If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” - Matthew 16:24


  • Imagine being pulled from the crowd and carrying this man’s device of death.

  • What is it like to walk alongside Jesus in this?


VIII.  Jesus is Stripped

“For if men do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?”
- Luke 23:31
“‘Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.’ And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.” - Luke 23:34


  • Romans crucified criminals naked.

  • Reflect on the shame of nakedness in the Garden of Eden and the shame of nakedness in this moment.


IX.  Jesus is Nailed to the Cross

“When you have lifted up the Son of Man then you will know that I am the one I claim to be….” - John 8:28
“And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” - John 12:32
“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” - Matthew 27:46


  • The long physical pain of crucifixion was excruciating. In fact, the word excruciating is derived from crucifixion.


X.  Jesus Dies

Read: Isaiah 53:7
“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
- John 15:13
“It is finished.” - John 19:30
“Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” - Luke 23:46


  • Jesus died. He died. Our greatest fear is death, and He was not insulated from that fear.

  • His physical body stopped working.

  • His friends watched Him die.


XI.  Jesus is Buried

Read: Luke 23:50-56
“When she poured this perfume on my body, she did it to prepare me for burial.”
- Matthew 26:12


  • His friends buried Him.

  • Have you ever buried a loved one? Imagine doing that with the one you believed was going to change the world and bring ultimate justice and healing.


XII.  Jesus Rises

Read: Matthew 11:28 and Matthew 20:18-19
“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep.”
- John 10:11
“Don’t tell anyone what you have seen, until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.” - Matthew 17:9


  • Consider the other side of our greatest fear.

  • Jesus shows us that there is something beyond death.