Your story matters to God. Your story matters to us.
Our ongoing stories are all part of God’s larger story. You're invited to to share the ways that God is moving in your life and the with us.
If you're not sure where to start, try answering one of the questions:
When has your faith grown the most? How has God been with you through a difficult time? How has God restored a broken relationship? How has God used you to make a difference? How has God provided when you had a need? Have you been called to step out in faith to serve or give of yourself? Have you experienced a catalyst or defining moment that brought about change in your life?
Want to share your story with us? Take a few minutes and fill out the form below! Your story doesn't have to be fully fleshed out or eloquently written - just provide the major details, and our staff can help you put the pieces together. You'll also see a checkbox where you can indicate your interest in participating in a video interview about your story. We can't wait to hear about the ways that God is moving in your life, and we're thankful for your willingness to share your experience with us as we collect stories from our members and community. If you have any questions, or need any assistance with the form, please don't hesitate to contact us!