Stephen Ministry
Are you going through a difficult time?
Stephen Ministers are members of our congregation who receive over fifty hours of special training to provide one-to-one Christian care to people in our congregation and community experiencing challenges in life --- grief, loneliness, divorce, hospitalization, disability, job loss, and many other life difficulties.
To learn how you can receive a Stephen Minister’s confidential care, contact:
E-mail Rev. Jennifer Veres-Schrecengost, call the church office at 713-468-8356, or text 832-449-8014.
Interested in being a stephen minister?
MDUMC is preparing to recruit and train a new group of Stephen Ministers to meet the needs for care in our community. Perhaps God is calling you to serve in this powerful way. To find out more, email Rev. Jennifer Veres-Schrecengost or click on the link below.