MDUMC Room Request
If you are looking for a place to meet, please fill out the form below. Events and meetings hosted at the church must be approved and overseen by a member of our program staff. We require groups that meet here to be directly involved with one of our ministries.
In some cases, outside groups are permitted to use space here if certain criteria are met. The group applying for usage shall be a non-profit organization that shares the same direction and focus as MDUMC’s mission in the community and must be recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. Upon request from the Administration of the Church, the group should be prepared to submit proof of this designation.
Upon receipt of this form, it will be forwarded onto the appropriate committee in the church for sponsorship. If the committee decides not to sponsor the requestors event or activity, the requestor will be notified.
If the church’s committee elects to sponsor the program, a staff liaison will be assigned to the group to work through any and all details for sponsorship.
Once the group has been sponsored, the following items will be required to be in place two weeks prior to the date of the event:
a. Indemnity agreement executed by the church and the one authorized to sign on behalf of the requesting organization
b. “Certificate of Insurance,” in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence. Securing the “Certificate” and any costs associated therein, will be the sole responsibility of the requestor.