
prayer at mdumc


“What I am trying to say is that God receives us just as we are and accepts our prayers just as they are. In the same way that a small child cannot draw a bad picture so a child of God cannot offer a bad prayer.” ---Richard J. Foster

Prayer is essential to a life of faith, yet many worry about the correct way to do it, or wonder if their prayers can actually be answered. The good news is that God meets us where we are in our prayer efforts, and God knows our hearts and our needs even before we ask. 

At MDUMC we hope to cultivate a vibrant community life of shared prayer and equip you to deepen your personal experience of prayer. Join us!

The Power of Prayer

Do you want to know more about the ‘how to’ of prayer?

We offer this course in an in-person format. If you’d like to know more, email Pastor Jenny at

Do you believe prayer makes a difference?

The MDUMC prayer team commits to praying for our church and local community. The power of prayer is transformative, and you can be part of that transformation. By signing up for the prayer team, you will be added to a list where you will receive weekly emails of community prayer concerns. As part of this team, you are committing to praying for these concerns daily.




Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home

by Richard J. Foster


How to Pray: A Simple Guide for Normal People,

by Pete Greig


The Methodist Book of Daily Prayer,

by Matt Miofsky


Yes and Amen: A Prayer Collection,

by R. DeAndre Johnson