MDUMC Men's Life
Wednesdays (resumes January 8) | 6:30-7:30 AM | The Refuge
We will have breakfast from Mas Taco, followed by a short lesson. We conclude with time to get to know the other men of MDUMC. We’ll have you out the door by 7:30 to get on the road to work as better men, dads, husbands and disciples of Jesus Christ!
We are starting the yeah with a study of the book of Ephesians.
Please contact Michael Jarboe with any questions.
Men of Action Breakfast
Tuesdays | 8-9 AM | Wesley Hall
This group meets Tuesday mornings from 8-9 AM in Wesley Hall. After a delicious $5 breakfast and a brief devotional, you’ll hear from a speaker on various topics from current ministries in the church to politics, health, and social issues. First-time guests are welcome to come for a free breakfast. Contact Rev. Michael Jarboe for more information.