6th Grade Confirmation

Confirmation begins Sunday, August 11
Parent orientation meeting is Sunday, August 11 at 7 PM in Wesley Hall on Main Campus.

Join us for a great year of learning, making new friends, and having fun! Confirmation, which literally means “to make firm” happens each Sunday at Memorial Drive UMC. It is our hope for your sixth-grade child to build their Christian foundation, and to prepare them to become a member of the United Methodist Church. We discuss various aspects of the Christian faith, as well as learn about other religious beliefs. The idea is for your child to develop their own faith, and to understand the importance of being part of the church community. The class is more than just Sunday morning.  We visit other places of worship, offer many ways to serve the church and the community, and gather for fun!  The Sunday Morning classes are taught by both parents and pastors.  The curriculum we use is called ‘Confirm.’

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